Centurion: In an ongoing effort to ensure the quality of Adjudication Orders, which are aligned to the respective legislations, the CSOS is embarking on a roadshow to train and develop Adjudicators to apply the CSOS Act, the provisions of the Sectional Title Schemes Act and Memorandum of Incorporation of the various Schemes when they make formal judgements on disputed matters.
An internal quality control system has also been introduced so that Adjudicators can be
reviewed internally for compliance with these precepts while also drawing appropriate lessons and enhancing Practice Directives. ‘’With all these initiatives, including the Knowledge Management project to document our precedents, we will ensure that the models flowing from Adjudication Orders can be appropriately recorded for reference purposes and significantly improve the quality of our Orders’’ says Adv. Boyce Mkhize, the CSOS Chief Ombud.
The CSOS has already signed an MOU with NAMA, ARC, the RCC and CAISA as part of our ongoing efforts to strengthen relations with these industry bodies. Closer cooperation will open the door for us to learn from each other and to solve the myriad of challenges faced by property owners, executives, managers, and agents alike.
The CSOS is also aware that there are concerns amongst industry players regarding the
management of funds/levies that the CSOS organisation administers especially following the VBS scandal. The investigation into the scandal continues.
‘’We are working together with the Hawks to pursue possible recovery of irregularly siphoned funds. We have also enlisted our interests with the Liquidator with the hope of obtaining some share where any of the resources are still recoverable from the Liquidator. Our internal audit as well as various governance structures have become more vigilant towards issues of compliance, investments, and appropriate utilization of resources. We therefore believe that the governance frameworks now in place, offer a more robust approach to resource management’’ said Mkhize.
As a schedule 3A public entity, the CSOS is subject to intense scrutiny in terms of the PFMA and the Office of the Auditor-General. Reporting documents on performance against annual targets and revenue management are freely available on the CSOS website www.csos.org.za.
We also wish to indicate that we will soon be launching the CSOS standards of service which will be characterized by efficiency, responsiveness, quality, and effectiveness. We will do so as both our pledge and commitment to enhancing the experience of our customers and users of our services. A new CSOS is well underway!!
For enquiries:
Doniah Motsoeneng doniah.motsoeneng@csos.org.za
About the CSOS
The CSOS was established in terms of the Community Schemes Service Act, 2011 (Act 9 of
2011) to regulate the conduct of parties within community schemes and to ensure their good governance. Community Schemes are defined in the CSOS Act as “living arrangements where there is shared use of and responsibility for land/buildings such as sectional title, homeowners’ associations, retirement housing schemes, share block companies and housing cooperatives.”
The CSOS came into operation with a mandate to:
• Provide a dispute resolution service.
• Provide training for conciliators, adjudicators, and other employees of the CSOS.
• Regulate, monitor and quality assure scheme governance documentation; and
• To take custody of, preserve and provide public access electronically or by other means
to scheme governance documentation.
In terms of the CSOS Act, all community schemes must be registered with the CSOS. To
find out more www.csos.org.za